Course curriculum

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    30 day challenge Week One

    • Day one survey to gauge any improvement

    • Introduction - Day 1

    • Day 2

    • Day 3 Time to take an honest look at what you are doing

    • Day 3 Analysis

    • Day 4 Transition into a conversation

    • Day 5 Analysis

    • Day 6 Safety

    • Day 7 Allow Her To Go At Anytime - Trying To Trap Her Will Hurt Your Results

    • Day 8 - Logistics | How To Structure A Conversation Towards A Date

    • Day 9 Gathering Contact Information PART 1/3

    • Day 10 Two Step Texting Strategy

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    Week Two

    • Day 11 Mirroring and keeping one ''pen pal''

    • Day 12 The best mentality to have when dealing with rejection

    • Day 13 Highest Probability Girls To Approach For Success

    • Day 14 (Drill) Try Convert Every Approach Into a Date Immediately

    • Day 15 (Experiment) Start Every Conversation With a Compliment Then Justify The Approach

    • Day 15 Analysis of data

    • Day 16 ''State'' Hopefully you are powering through each day positively with energy.

    • Day 16 Analysis

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    Week Three

    • Day 17 Three step approach 1) Situational Awareness 2) Positioning 3) Environmental Conversation Starter

    • Day 17 Did you try all possible ways to initiate a conversation?

    • Day 18 (Drill) ''The Conversation To No-Where''

    • Day 18 Analysis

    • Day 19 (Drill) The NO Contact Information Cold Approach

    • Day 19 (Drill) The NO Contact Information Analysis

    • Day 20 (Drill) The 100 Approach Countdown

    • Day 20 (Drill) Analysis

    • Day 21 Choose a NEW area to cold approach - Stop going to the same location everyday

    • Day 21 Analysis

    • Day 22 What are my Cold Approach Statistics

    • Day 22 Analysis

    • Day 23 Analysis

    • Day 23 (Drill) The LOGICAL APPROACH

    • Day 24 (Drill) The High Energy EMOTIONAL Dad Joke Conversation Cold Approach

    • Day 24 Analysis

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    Week Four

    • Day 25 How To Get a High Quality Girlfriend - Start With Knowing What You Want

    • Day 25 Analysis

    • Day 26 (Drill) OVERCOME FEAR - Approach Some Big Scary Men - Deep Thoughts

    • Day 26 Analysis

    • Day 27 Split Testing Your Appearance

    • Day 27 Analysis

    • Day 28 (Dates) Embed Future Plans Into Your Date

    • Day 28 (Dates) Bedroom Set Up To Optimise Your Results

    • Day 28 (Dates) Escalation on a date

    • Day 28 Analysis

    • Day 29 (Dates) Route Mapping

    • Day 29 Analysis

    • Day 30 Game Is a Lifestyle

    • Final Analysis